So you may have heard about the recent flap surrounding the GOP being really really scared of women’s bodies. Short version: Last week, in response to the Florida House of Representatives passing an anti-union bill, Democratic Rep Scott Randolph make a crack about how maybe his wife should “incorporate her uterus” to stop Republicans from pushing measures that would restrict abortions. The GOP leadership, rather than responding to the obvious political criticism, told Randolph not to use “language that would be considered inappropriate for children and other guests” – in other words, the word “uterus”.
This of course has triggered a shitstorm of laughter, mockery and criticism, while effectively highlighting what the current attack on Planned Parenthood is really about.
Yesterday, in reaction to all the absurdity, Kay commented on Twitter: “So many bad politicians are afraid of my #uterus that having one is starting to feel like having a superpower. #fierce”
The comment was met with much amusement and a lively discussion about the supernatural abilities of girl-junk, or those granted abilities for having girl-junk. And the end result was Kay’s coming home yesterday evening, and making this:
It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s SuperUterus!
At the request of a lot of people, Kay put this brilliant image on merch: t-shirts, mugs, you name it. And All profits from the sale of SuperUterus gear will be donated to Planned Parenthood! What, you need a better reason to buy? I didn’t think so. Go! Now!
BTW, in case you were wondering, this is what Planned Parenthood actually does. Note the remarkably slim numbers for abortions. (Also, The Hyde Amendment prevents federal funding from being used for abortions already.)
Kay and I have been having some long, intense discussions about Crossed Genres Publications – present and future (near and distant). A lot of prioritizing, rearranging, waving sad goodbyes to some ideas that we loved but just wouldn’t pan out, while shaking hands with exciting new things we can’t wait to get started on.
Part of those talks and decisions led to us re-opening CGP to novel submissions: Yay! New guidelines, and hopefully some great new work to publish over the next few years! Queries have started to trickle in already. I’m really excited about it!
Also in the CGP world, I’ve been busting my ass the past few days to figure out various ebook distributors that we haven’t used before, and get our books on them. Soon we’ll have our publications available in a lot more places. Hopefully that’ll help us dig out of our financial hole… Sales have been a mite thin* lately.
I managed to get a story finished! It was one of my longer ones, about 8100 words after all the edits, but still well within the asked-for wordcount range. This was for an anthology I was invited to submit to, so crossing my fingers – it’s a project I’d really like to be part of. Unfortunately due to a ton of work that’s been dumped on me and Kay I’ve had to ditch my plans to submit to another antho. It’s open until the end of May, but there’s just no way I’ll have time to get something written by then. I haven’t even been struck with any inspiration for it yet. Knowing me, I’ll probably think of some brilliant idea 5 days before the deadline, and freak out trying to find time to get it written.
And Sekrit Projekt is coming along! New, good developments! That I can’t talk about! Argh! But it’s good!
Also, since it just happened a few hours ago I’ll throw in one quick comment: About damn time, Red Sox! I’m not generally one to give in to the annual “Well, maybe next year” crap, but 0-6 to start the year? Way to dig yourselves a hole! At least they won the home opener, against the Yankees, no less. Now just 99 more of those…
Post title from “Message From Your Heart” by Kina Grannis:
* “mite thin” = Nonexistent